Hello there,
Today we will be talking about how to decorate your center table. At the onset, it’s very important that the table theme must match the general decor of your room so we will be talking about different themes and how to match the vibe of your room with your table décor
So I, get you 5 options, you can choose the one you prefer

Let’s make sure that the center table and tray do not match completely, or the tray décor won’t pop out. For example say you have a marble center table so a jute tray will match perfectly on that table and on this tray you can put a candle or a diva or just a candle stand or a small pot or plants. However, remember that the center table is a functional piece so say if you want to use the table all you have to do is lift the tray and your table is empty to use

The second option that I want to talk about is the stylish stack in which you can use books or magazines. Make sure you follow the rule of three if you use books or magazines. You can decorate on top of them may add in some quirky elements like a small plant or small decorative element. Make sure the colors you use are bright like maybe a purple or a bright pink or festive yellows or festive oranges or any bright colors that have the spunk of festivities

You mix and match the tall decor and short décor elements and you have wide décor elements or flat décor elements all put together on one table. Make sure you don’t use very tall elements as they may run the risk of falling, it may also be they may get in the way to see the person sitting opposite to you. Make sure you don’t use very tall candle stand s or very tall pots or plants.

You take a whole lot of natural elements or you can take a whole lot of plants, herbs, flowers, or stones or maybe theme it like a beach decorative but remember it has to be natural and you can never go wrong with naturals.

In case you have a contemporary room, try to have one staple piece and you stack a candle or a flower or whatever elements you have on this staple piece. It can be a cake stand for example you can add some pearls or candles or maybe some flowers. You put all those in the statement pieces you.ve chosen and stack it in one place and make sure you don’t put it in the middle of your table. Keep it in a corner and this will make your guests wonder why is on the side and not the middle it will add a mystery and may become a conversation starter.
So let’s begin decorating. Best wishes…!!!!
For More Details Click the Link below and watch the video: